Germanistisches Seminar Paula Odenheimer


Department of German Studies
Heidelberg University
Hauptstr. 207–209
D – 69117 Heidelberg

Office: PB 031 

Office Hours: By appointment

Paula Odenheimer
Paula Odenheimer


Research Interests

  • Dissertation project: Blicke in ein »unsichtbares Universum«. Transkulturelle und literatursoziologische Konstellationen in Früh- und Spätwerk von Nelly Sachs (AT)
  • German-Jewish Literature, Exile and Migration
  • Literature and literary history from the post-war period to the present
  • German-Swedish literary relations

Academic CV

  • Since October 2023: PhD candidate at the Department of German Studies, Heidelberg University
  • 2021–2022: Master's degree in Modern Languages (German), University of Oxford
    • 2021–2024: Tutor at the Oxford Prospects and Global Development Institute, University of Oxford
  • 2017–2021: Bachelor's degree in German Studies and English Studies, Heidelberg University
    • 2020–2021: Tutor and student assistant at the Department of German Studies, Heidelberg University
    • 2019–2021: Student assistant at Goethe University Frankfurt in the project "Die Briefwechsel des Späthumanisten Nicodemus Frischlin"
    • 2019–2021: Student assistant at the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities in the project "Theologenbriefwechsel im Südwesten des Reichs in der Frühen Neuzeit (1550–1620)"

Scholarships and awards

  • August 2024–exp. 2027: PhD scholarship from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)
  • April–May 2024: C. H. Beck Scholarship for Literature and the Humanities for a research stay at the German Literature Archive in Marbach (DLA Marbach)
  • October 2023–March 2024: Initial funding from the heiDocs program of the Faculty of Modern Languages, Heidelberg University
  • August & November 2022: German MSt Dissertation Prize from the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages and Worcester College Prize, University of Oxford
  • October 2021–August 2022: Erasmus scholarship for the Master's program at the University of Oxford

other Activities

  • Faculty Council of the Faculty of Modern Languages
  • Editorial Head Feuilleton 

    [kon] Magazin



  • »Wie viele Heimatländer«? Emotionen und Sprachbilder in Nelly Sachs’ Heimatfigurationen. In: Exilforschung: Exil und Emotionen, ed. by Esther Kilchmann and Sebastian Schirrmeister, Berlin/Boston 2025, 173–189.

Reviews and short articles

  • [Invited review of] Sandra Narloch: Zwischen Weltbürgertum und Neuem Kosmopolitismus. Verhandlungen übernationaler Gemeinschaft und Zugehörigkeit in der Exilliteratur. In: Germanistik [vsl. 2025]
  • »Ausbruch aus dem Privaten ins Universum!« Zur gendersensiblen Rezeption bei Nelly Sachs am Beispiel des Meridians. In: Exilograph 30 (2023): Flucht und Gender. Geschlechtsspezifische Perspektiven auf Exilgeschichten, ed. by Walter A. Berendsohn Forschungsstelle für deutsche Exilliteratur, 7–8.

Conference papers

  • »Cross-cultural echoes: Lagerlöf’s German reception and the literary formation of Nelly Sachs’ early Legenden«. Presentation at the international conference The Modernisms. Scandinavian-German literary connections, 1870-1930, DLA Marbach 19.–21.02.2025
  • Speaker at the Oxford Scandinavian Studies Network Conference, 31.01.2025 & 06.06.2025
  • »Reception and Influence of Kafka in Swedish Post-War Poetry«. Presentation at the international conference Kafka Transformed, Oxford 18.–20.09.2024
  • »›ihr ganzes Werk fortgelassen, das vor 1940 in Deutschland entstanden ist‹. Zum unbekannten Frühwerk von Nelly Sachs«. Presentation at the Graduate Summer Colloquium, Saarbrücken 12.–14.07.2024
  • »Maxim Biller's Radical Poetics«. Presentation at the international conference Postmigrant Reconfigurations, London 5.–7.07.2023
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