Moderne und Gegenwart Scientia Poetica
Scientia Poetica. Yearbook for the History of Literature, Humanities and Sciences
Editors: Andrea Albrecht, Lutz Danneberg, Gerhard Regn, Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann, Friedrich Vollhardt (until 2012 Horst Thomé†; until 2016 Andreas Kablitz)
Editorial Board Members: Epple, Moritz / Fick, Monika / Grafton, Anthony / Jaumann, Herbert / Klippel, Diethelm / Kühlmann, Wilhelm / Mahlmann-Bauer, Barbara / Müller, Jan-Dirk / Nisbet, Hugh Barr / Proß, Wolfgang / Schönert, Jörg / Strohschneider, Peter
Scientia Poetica is a peer reviewed journal that appears annually since 1997. Its focus is the relation between the history of literature and the history of science, motivated by the emergence of new questions and methods that both disciplines have seen in the last two decades. Realizing that the discourses of the arts and literature, the humanities, and the sciences are not strictly separated spheres that could be described appropriately without reference to each other, the journal offers an interdisciplinary forum for the historic analysis of the interactions between the sciences and the humanities in the development and reflection of their theoretical concepts from the High Middle Ages to present times. The scope of the journal encompasses the canon of sciences that was the foundation of the medieval university and saw in recent times the addition of new disciplines such as the natural sciences, psychology, sociology, or the historical sciences. No further restriction is imposed on the time, the topics, or the disciplines under consideration.
The journal is peer reviewed. It is published by Walter de Gruyter. To order our yearbook, please visit Scientia Poetica @ De Gruyter.
Contributions appear in German or English.
Informations for contributors:
Please use our our Stylesheet (pdf).
Submissions are to be sent to Jens Krumeich and Sandra Schell:
The yearly deadline for submissions is 30 April.
If you want to review a book for us, write to Dr. Anette Syndikus:
2018 our yearbook moved to Heidelberg.